Saturday, April 24, 2010

SQL Audit Part 1: The Aims

It has been a long time since my last post, but I think some people will think it is worth the wait.  Over the past few months, when I have had the time, I have worked on improving my SQL skills and understanding of databases.  Now, if your like me and you hate just reading things with no hands on practice, you will understand that I gave myself a little project definition to help me in my learning's.  I decided to write a SQL audit project.

The requirements of the project were as follows:
  • Managed by stored procedures;
  • Database level auditing (for speed);
  • Always accessible via SQL (that is, I wanted a store somewhere where I would review the audited information without having to involve a DBA);
  • I wanted the ability to archive the data after a set time.
I am just finishing up some final refactoring and logging parts, but I think I have something that will achieve this.

Some disclaimers before I continue I think are in order.  I am not a SQL DBA, just a developer wanting to improve his database skills.  The code I have written has not been thoroughly tested, nor would I recommend using it for a production environment without some form of testing in your Staging or User Acceptance Testing environments for speed and to make sure it doesn't break existing systems.  I have written this in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (Express Edition), so there may be more features in other versions (such as Standard or Enterprise) that would break the code in this project, but again I have not tested this against other editions so am unaware of any issues with them.  Whilst you are free to use this for yourself, you do so at your own risk.

Now that that is out of the way, let me detail the parts of the "series" that I am going to write:
I will try to find a location to upload the various files to create and review the various parts of what I have done, just looking into which source repository I should use, Codeplex or

OK, now without further ado let me begin!

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